Hey Stas,
I know this has been asked a ton of time and I have read everything on the site to check if MP is installed - my problem now is I have a client who has told me over and over again that mod_perl is installed - every method documented on the site says it is not (string doesn't appear in the error log, via telnet to apache or via the lwp-request method, it also doesn't appear via httpd -l.
All method above report only "Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) configured"
The box is RH enterprise and Apache and MP2 were installed via RPM - the client called RH (to prove me wrong) and RH told him if you installed MP2 via the RH RPM then that MP2 line shouldn't appear anyplace...
I find that really hard to believe BEFORE I wasn't able find anything documented about it.. Is that true?
So I guess my question is, can it be said with 100% certainty that the "mod_perl 1.99xxxx" should show up in the error log (or those other documented methods) if its installed and configured properly?
Is there any other ways to prove its installed or not installed?

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