Hello everyone,

Hoping someone out has experienced this before. I've poured through archives and faqs but haven't seen any info on it. I just tried everything below on a clean server because I thought I messed something up during an upgrade, but I'm getting this on more than one computer.

I'm trying to set up apache 2 (2.0.54) on Windows 2000 Server

with SSL (from here -- currently working)

The latest version of ActivePerl (

and...  mod_perl, which I've installed via the "mpinstall" script here..

I've got


LoadFile "C:/Perl/bin/perl58.dll"
LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

PerlRequire "c:/Apache2/conf/mod_perl.pl"


Directly below all the other "LoadModule" directives in httpd.conf
and when I try to start Apache I get

[Wed Jun 08 14:06:16 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file: c:/Apache2/conf/mod_perl.pl for server www.mysite.com:80, exiting...

(Yes the file is there)

but - if I instead put in


PerlSwitches -IC:/Perl/site/lib/bundle

LoadFile "C:/Perl/bin/perl58.dll"
LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so

Perlmodule Apache2
PerlModule Apache2::compat


Below all the other "LoadModule" directives, it seems to start fine.
I'm no perl guru - I won't pretend to know how to properly set this up
Does anyone out there see what I'm missing or doing wrong?

Thanks in advance...


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