Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
Jim Albert wrote:

Can someone point me to a URL that describes the purpose of the Apache2 namespace?

I don't believe one exists (yet) ... possibly a good idea for the site?

The general idea as I've got it is:

1.  Apache::*
    Module works under mp1
    Possibly works under mp2

    Example: Apache::DBI v0.98 (both)

    Example: Apache::Peek (mp1)

    Note: I'm working on porting this one as we speak
    to work under both.

2.  Apache2::*
    Module works under mp2 only
    Example: Apache2::AuthNTLM

The decision is basically left up to the individual maintainers at the moment. The benefit of 1 is that you have 1 code base. The benefit of 2 is that you remove the if/else logic and clearly mark the module as mp2 only.


Yes, it does. Thank you very much. Do you have any example code you could share with me for places in my code where I have to use an Apache:: module on some servers, but Apache2:: module on another. I'd like to keep one code base.

For example, one piece of my code has
use Apache::Const
but I had to change that to use Apache2::Const on the server running the lastest mod_perl.

Can you give me the logic to handle that properly in a single code file. Thanks again.

Jim Albert

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