I'd like to use the 2+ server setup strategy:

Vanilla Apache
        bound to port 80
        proxypass to mod_perl server on different ports

I got that running on Linux using 2 sourcetrees as in the modperlbook

I just got a new server with FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE on it, and am new to all the ports

I *think* I can just do this:
        install apache2/mp2 w/everything as a dso
        make 2 configuration files:
                1 just has mp2                  (mp2)
                1 has deflate + rewrite (vanilla)
        have the system start up 2 apaches, 1 using each config file

Does that make sense?
It that an awful way to do it?
It there a better way?

I've always installed mp2 as a dso - should i not?

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