> >  Anybody who uses current major versions of pre-built binaries of the:
> >
> > Apache2 + mod_perl2 + Apache::DBI + PostgreSQL8
> When asking for help, please be specific about what you're using.
> There's a description of what to send here:
> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/help/help.html#Reporting_Problems
> > [Thu Nov 17 23:35:39 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file: C:/Program
> > Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/startup.pl for server localhost:80,
> > exiting...
> What's the error before that?  That should be the actual problem.
 What do you mean?? It's possible, I've misunderstood you, therefore you may
rewrite your question. If you're actually interesting in a previous error,
then there weren't errors anymore. There were some notices and I'd mention
about it in one of my previous messages:

[Fri Nov 11 21:35:09 2005] [notice] Parent: Received restart
signal --Restarting the server.
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:09 2005] [notice] Child 1008: Exit event signaled.
Childprocess is ending.
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:10 2005] [notice] Child 1008: Released the start mutex
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:12 2005] [error] Can't load Perl file: C:/Program
Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/startup.pl for server localhost:80,
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:12 2005] [notice] Child 1008: Waiting for 250 worker
threads to exit.
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:12 2005] [notice] Child 1008: All worker threads have
[Fri Nov 11 21:35:12 2005] [notice] Child 1008: Child process is exiting

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