On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 23:35 +0000, Jeremy Nixon wrote:
> Perrin Harkins  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > my $cache = $dbh->FETCH('CachedKids');
> > 
> > That should return cached handles from the current $dbh, not an old one
> > that has been replaced.  The statement handles are attached to the
> > database handle, so if it gets replaced, all the old ones go away.
> Right, but Apache::DBI doesn't replace the database handle, it just
> provides it with a new connection.

No, it completely replaces the handle the Apache::DBI cache, so that you
get the new one instead of the dead one when you call DBI->connect().
Take a look at the (short and simple) Apache::DBI code.  It's just a
hash of connections, and when one gets replaced, the old one is totally

If you have some code that is caching $dbh in a global or closure, and
not calling Apache::DBI->connect() on every request, it can't replace
that, and neither can DBI->connect_cached().  That defeats the auto-
reconnect features of both.  I recommend not caching $dbh yourself,
except maybe in pnotes(), since pnotes() only last until the end of the

- Perrin

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