On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 23:15 +0000, Jeremy Nixon wrote:
> That code has to work identically in or out of mod_perl, so it can't
> have any mod_perl-specific stuff inside it.

I usually handle that by checking $ENV{MOD_PERL}:

our %CACHE;
sub set_value {
    my ($key, $value) = @_;
    if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
        Apache->request->pnotes($key, $value);
    } else {
        $CACHE{$key} = $value;

> Read committed is no problem, since it's the default

Unfortunately, InnoDB defaults to "repeatable read", so I always have to
change it.

> DBI won't let you do the latter at all, it just tells you to use DBI
> methods for transactions, and there is no DBI method for that.

Maybe you should ask on the dbi-users list to see what other people do.
There must be others who have dealt with this.

>   You can't
> do the first option when AutoCommit is off, because you can't do "begin",
> but if you do the "set transaction" it tells you there is no transaction
> open.

InnoDB always has a transaction open, even in AutoCommit.  Very
different behavior.

>   So I have to turn AutoCommit on, open a transaction, then send
> the "set transaction" query.  Then I have to remember, for that particular
> database handle, to put AutoCommit back where it was before after a
> commit or rollback -- which means I have to keep state on each handle I
> have open.

You can sometimes use local() to good effect:

    local $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
    ... do some stuff ...

At the end of the block, it goes back to whatever state it was in

> My bet, though, is that I messed up somewhere in the logic
> that caches my instances, trying to be a little too clever.

That would explain the behavior you described.

> Anyway, I now have all this code that doesn't use prepared statements
> at all, so I'm not in a good position to quickly try it

There are definite speed benefits to using prepare_cached, especially
with a database like Pg that has server-side prepared statements.  You
may want to experiment with it again in the future.

- Perrin

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