On 4/23/07, Praveen Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello people
Trying to look for the *best* perl web framework out there and looking for
suggestions. I've looked at Catalyst, Jifty and bunch of other frameworks.
My biggest gripe about these web frameworks is the lack of reusable UI
controls aka ASP.Net. One reason  ASP.Net has caught on so quickly is the
availability of inexpensive and slick third party UI controls. Most geeks
make lousy web designers and would rather fiddle with the back end server
code than CSS and javascript. Is there a LAMP framework offering even close
to what ASP.Net offers in terms of UI development? Look at
for inspiration.

I think that a lot of the reason is because the frameworks that you
see are mostly based around perl and don't focus too much on the
actual View but mostly on the Model and Controller.  There are plenty
of javascript frameworks (Dojo, YUI, OpenRico, MooFx, Script.aculo.us)
that provide many and all of the same things that you are pointing to
as available in ASP.Net.  The problem/advantage with PERL based
frameworks is that, of course, they give you MTOWTDI which means that
you have to decide which one is best and most appropriate for what you

In my opinion, lack of rich controls is the biggest drawback of LAMP
frameworks. We as geeks might not like to hear about it but average manager
at a big corporation is still sold by slick presentation and not cool
back-end technology.
Maybe it's time for mod-perl geeks to get together and come up with an
uniform API for web controls that can then be used by others to develop
reusable controls.

Again, you are talking about client-side UI controls that belong in
only one small subset of any given framework.  You should be able to
use any one of them that you want without problems.




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