Boysenberry Payne wrote:

> It was Yahoo's yui-ext library aka extjs that I was told this could
> really be a problem
> with.  So I guess all JS frameworks aren't created equal.

It actually shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't use their hosted version
of files and use local copies instead.

> Can you recommend a site or resource for comparison of the differing
> frameworks?

I don't really know of a good one that has a nice matrix like view for a
comparison. And any that do are way out of date. Like any framework, it really
depends on what you want. Do you want it to smooth over some of Javascript's
rougher edges? Do you want lots of pre-built widgets? Do you want commercial
support/backing? In reality most of the big ones (Prototype, Dojo, YUI, jQuery,
Mootools) are all pretty good and will probably do what you're looking for. From
my experience though, Prototype, jQuery and Mootools feel more Perlish (see, I
brought it back to Perl!) and Dojo and YUI feel more Javaish.

I do like It mentions various tools, projects and
frameworks all the time.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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