
I have a system I converted from cgi to mod_perl.

We recently upgraded to mod_perl 2.0 and apache 2.2 on RHL5

I am having a problem. When I refresh a certain page 5 times or about ( it's completely random )

The page renders fine, but in my logs I see that an apache child died because of a segmentation fault I believe
here is the error or I guess notice message.

[notice] child pid 25946 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) # ? do I have to worry about this notice ? what we are building will be a live system.

My question is why is it doing this? I have but try{} catch clauses on the whole script and it has yielded me no errors that I have detected on this before like somewhere deep in the code I am missing a require().

Any ideas on how I could better trap a segmentation fault besides using perl's try{} catch{} like catching it's signal?

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