I have been struggling with DirectoryIndex behavior and configuration information from custom Perl directives for a while now. I've been scanning the web and posting here and thanks for the previous responses.

I now have a solution that seems to work. I have extracted a minimal set of tests that demonstrate the problem and my solution, which I have attached as an archive (tar czf format).

I'm not completely happy with my solution, mostly because I'm not
completely sure why it works -- or perhaps more to the point why it is necessary. I keep thinking that the mod_dir DirectoryIndex should "just work" but of course that's bootless. Either it doesn't in this situation or I don't understand something.

I'd be pleased to have a better solution.  Or an explanation of why
this one works. I have tried to reduce the problem to the smallest possible footprint to make it easy to review, for them what has the time and interest.

Failing that, perhaps this IS a good solution and may benefit some other poor soul.

Marc M. Adkins

Attachment: mod_perl_config.czf
Description: Binary data

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