On Sat, 09 Feb 2008, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Randy Kobes wrote:
> We might see what compiling the ppm with .pdb files (not sure if you
> do that already) - simply /Zi args to CL.exe and /debug /opt:ref to
> the linker (rather than /release).  Of course you can unpack the httpd
> symbols from the zip file in the dist/httpd/binaries/win32/symbols.zip,
> and that leaves only some activestate code 'undebuggable'.

Why is that?  You can download both sources and debugging symbols for
each ActivePerl release.  E.g. for



The symbols.zip file should be unpacked in the C:\Perl directory, or
wherever you installed ActivePerl as it contains .pdb file for both the
bin and the lib subtree.  All symbols should then automatically fall
into the correct places.


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