On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Foo JH wrote:

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Foo JH wrote:

I've recently set up a test based very closely on your platform:
AP5.8.8 Build 822

You mention a VC 2005 build of httpd, which build of MP?  2005?

Not sure which uwinnipeg is built against, msvcrt or msvcr80.

But my recent observation is that if you use AS Perl, which is built
against msvcrt, it's likely best to use modperl built against msvcrt
as well.  I'm doubting httpd's clib has a whole lot to do with it.

I know. ApacheLounge uses a different (newer) compiler, and the implications can be quite risky. I've started on this path since the earlier 2.2.x when modperl on the ASF binaries has been unreliable, and support on the mailing list confirmed my experience more than resolved it.

Why don't you give it a try and see if you're having it better?

I think characterizing the ASF binaries as unreliable with
mod_perl is misleading - there were some recent problems
with restarts, etc. on Win32 that have been looked into
and addressed for the 2.2.8 release.

Concerning the recommendation to try the ApacheLounge
binaries, I'd offer two cautionary notes:

- As you say, the ApacheLounge binaries use a different
compiler version which may in itself introduce some

- As well, the latest ApacheLounge binary distribution contains some changes:
from the official ASF 2.2.8 sources, which isn't
apparent from the title "Apache 2.2.8 available" on

I think it's fair to say the mod_perl developers will only
provide support for official ASF versions of Apache.

best regards,
Randy Kobes

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