I'm trying to use mod_perl on Debian Etch.  I was looking at "practical 
mod_perl" book, but it appears that much has changed in mod_perl 2.0 so the 
second example doesn't work at all.

The first example, which is just two print statements to give a minimal header 
and content text, is invoked so I know the code is installed and the Apache 
configuration files are set up.

But the code from the Synopses of the Apache2::Request module documentation 
causes a segfault on the second line.  The 'use' is OK, but the 'new' shows in 
the apache logs that there was a segfault.

How do I begin to find out what the real error is?  Is there something more 
that needs to be done with Debian installing from the apt?  Could someone post 
a trivial example that ought to work?


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