Hi John,

John M. Dlugosz wrote:
OK, when I defined $r as you did, it worked. For documentation, I was looking at here: <http://search.cpan.org/~joesuf/libapreq2-2.08/glue/perl/lib/Apache2/Request.pm>

I see you are just printing to standard output, like a CGI script. In the book, it used

   $r->print("mod_perl rules!\n");

but there are no such methods on $r here in 2.0.

What, prey tell, is the equivalent object?
Is there =any= way to get started, like a simple (but working!) program I could look at?

When I was starting with modperl2, I had similar problems to you. I'm more of a book-person, and many of the books (such as the O'Reilly ones) have not been re-released for modperl2. While there is a lot of information on the web, it isn't as easy sifting through it all.

As for your question, the $r object is (I believe :-) ) the RequestRec object:


and instead of send_http_header, you would use content_type. As mentioned here which describes porting mod_perl 1.0 to mod_perl 2.0:


You may need to use these two documents (at least) in conjunction with the book you are reading to make any sense of it. Hope this helps!


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