On Monday, 2009-03-23 at 11:55:46 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Octavian Râsnita <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This is true. Less and less programmers use perl, and in most parts of the
> > world it is hard to find competent perl programmers.

> Unless you have some evidence of this, stop spreading FUD.  The job
> listings for Perl are strong.  They're huge compared to those for
> Ruby.  Of course Java is massively more popular than either of them,
> but that doesn't make the perl market small.

Figures from the German freelancer market, Gulp (www.gulp.de):
CVs (called profiles, a total of 60823 are available) with:

Perl  5470 
Ruby   234
Java 11261

About two Java programmers perl Perl programmer. About 23 Perl
programmers per Ruby programmer. (Germans are known to be

Projects (total 1317) mentioning

Perl  54
Ruby   4
Java 153

The programmer-to-project ratios are:

Perl 101
Ruby  58
Java  73

So, yes, Perl is a bad choice. It is the language with the most
competition. Go for Ruby! There may be only four projetcs, but you have
less competition to fear! :-)

Lupe Christoph
| There is no substitute for bad design except worse design.                   |
| /me                                                                          |

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