Alright, I don't want to quibble, but I would question any conclusions you can draw from the numbers based upon the sole fact that it is based upon how developer self-identify.

I know that Wordpress and Drupal freelancers do not position themselves as PHP programmers, but rather WordPress and Drupal programmers. The same may very well be true for Plone, Movable Type and any number of reputable application and CMS frameworks on the market - where much of web development is happening these days.

Who knows maybe we are talking about two different things.


On Mar 23, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Lupe Christoph wrote:

On Monday, 2009-03-23 at 10:54:59 -0700, Byrne Reese wrote:
It amazes me that this entire thread neglects to mention PHP.

OK, I'll add PHP...

Figures from the German freelancer market, Gulp (
CVs (called profiles, a total of 60823 are available) with:

Perl  5470
Ruby   234
Java 11261
PHP   6047

About two Java programmers per Perl programmer. About 23 Perl
programmers per Ruby programmer. (Germans are known to be
conservative...) Roughly the same number of PHP people as Perl people.

Projects (total 1317) mentioning

Perl  54
Ruby   4
Java 153
PHP   34

The programmer-to-project ratios are:

Perl 101
Ruby  58
Java  73
PHP  178

So, yes, Perl is a bad choice. It is the language with the most
competition. Go for Ruby! There may be only four projetcs, but you
have less competition to fear! :-) And you should avoid PHP, too.

Turns out, the numbers for PHP aren't that different from those for
Perl. I have to admit that I'm surprised. By the dearth of PHP projects
as well as the number of PHP people.

Lupe Christoph
| There is no substitute for bad design except worse design. | | / me |

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