Hi Torsten,

An ErrorDocument is an internal redirect. These REDIRECT_... environment variables are copied from the previous ($r->prev) request's $r->subprocess_env just by copying everything and prepending REDIRECT_ to each key. So if the original request has an environment variable named REQUEST_URI the error document should have a REDIRECT_REQUEST_URI, see rename_original_env() in httpd-x.y/modules/http/http_request.c.

Since REQUEST_URI is the standard CGI environment variable (see
ap_add_cgi_vars() httpd-x.y/server/util_script.c) I'd take

As it turned out, I was (entirely) wrong when I thought it is working. It was wishfull thinking - but not a real solution - neighter one of the REQUEST_URI, REDIRECT_URL and/or REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING environment variables seemed to be good enough for a mod_rewrite solution, or at least I was unable to build one. (I just made some errors in testing and repeatedly out- and out-out-commenting various httpd.conf setting, but it wasn't _really_ working whein I thought it would).

Summing up what I have so far ( which might be incomplete or even wrong):

looking for a cheap/good/working solution for a way to solve what


describes under the title "Redirect Failing URLs to Another Web Server", but with the (it seems important) difference that I want to hide the new server from the eyes of the customers and as such _proxy_ the failing requests instead of redirecting, the given receipt

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI} !-U
RewriteRule   ^(.+)          http://webserverB.dom/$1

shows up to NOT work when I attempted to make it

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond   %{REQUEST_URI} !-U
RewriteRule   ^(.+)          http://webserverB.dom/$1 [P]

Neither was I able to use the Error_Document trick you sugegsted and use Rewrite on/with it.

I've given up my first attempt - the earlier in the thread shown PerlResponse handler - as I was unable to output the Content-Type header as 'text/html'; I haven't however tried the solution suggested with adding an extra filter for the end phase to substitute the 'text/plain' that I was seeing and which actually generated the initial question for this thread and it's subject.

I finally went the 'standard way' [?]  and added

ErrorDocument 404  /cgi-bin/404_to_oldserver.pl

in httpd.conf, making /cgi-bin/404_to_oldserver.pl to be


use LWP::UserAgent;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

my $url = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
   $url = "http://OLD.SERVER.COM/$url"; ;

my $response = $ua->get( $url );

my $body = $response->content;

my $h = $response->{'_headers'};
   $h->push_header( 'Status' => $response->code );
my $header = $h->as_string;

print $header;
print "\n";
print $body;


This way might have it's own special problems too, but at least it seems to work OK so far and give me a start.

I'm still [a bit] convinced that a mod_perl solution might or should be available and be both better and more effective, but I wasn't able to get it working - even after spending much more effort than I thought initially that it will take - and gave up for now.

Many thanks to all those that offered advice or help.

Iosif Fettich

PS. Firebug once again proved to be an invaluable resource in helping understand what's up and find a solution.

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