On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 7:14 AM, Iosif Fettich <ifett...@netsoft.ro> wrote:
> I've ommited printing headers explicitely :(

HTTP won't work without headers.

> Have to see when and how I should do this; simply inserting a
> $r->content_type( 'text/html' );
> before my
> $r->print( $content );
> seems to be a NOOP..

Nope, it's not a NOOP.  Maybe you're setting it too late.

>> Everything you've shown so far could be done more efficiently by a couple
>> of lines of mod_rewrite.
> I'll re-read mod_rewrite then ;)
> I'm just not aware yet that I could check the outcome of a subrequest and
> put some proxied response in place if the subrequest is unsuccessful. Isn't
> mod-rewrite just a _request_ rewrite ?

It can do just about anything:

- Perrin

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