On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 6:44 AM, Octavian Râsnita <orasn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> From: "Joe Schaefer" <joe_schae...@yahoo.com>
>> A contribution to a *community* would be to offer gratis advice on a
>> mailing list, ostensibly to help the community reach its objectives.
>> Nothing I see in this thread looks like a contribution to the mod_perl
>> community, sorry.
> The mod_perl community is also made of those who want to use mod_perl, and
> if somebody put questions regarding mod_perl, we should try to help him, no
> matter if he is interested about technical faces of mod_perl, or if he is
> interested to know how obsolete or modern it is, or if he is interested to
> know how many mod_perl programmers are available.
>  "Die" is just an expression that wants to tell that the language is not
>> used by
>> more and more programmers, but by fewer.
>  Usage statistics are irrelevent to the vitality of a language.  What's
>> relevant
>> to the perl community is something like how many module maintainers have
>> abandoned
>> their codebases.  Do you have any information about how many modules are
>> on
>> CPAN that are no longer supported?  And to bring it back to mod_perl, how
>> many
>> of those are Apache modules?
> Nope, but I know that WxPython is much better developed than WxPerl, that
> Python can be used under Symbian, that Python can work better together with
> Java virtual machine, that Python is better than Perl for some tasks, and I
> gave an example of 2 screen readers made in python, one for Linux and one
> for Windows.
> I also know that even the Perl programmers prefer more and more fastcgi,
> because it has some advantages.
> I have never used fastcgi or fcgid, but only mod_perl, but this doesn't
> mean that we should present only the good parts of mod_perl and perl.
> Usage statistics are very relevant. In the christian part of the world, in
> churches the old greek and latin are considered great languages, with a big
> history, and some consider them more important languages for the world's
> civilisation than English or Spanish, but this is because for what those
> persons is important, those languages could be important, however for the
> rest of the world those languages are considered only dead languages, even
> if they have a longer history than English or Spanish.
> If perl will become better and better but for less and less users, it would
> become an alive language like latin.
> If we want to be more on-topic, it would be interesting to compare mod_perl
> with mod_php and mod_python and find if the other Apache modules have
> advantages, or why they are more and more used.
> And the number of current users is not so important as the rate of increase
> or decrease in the number of users and sites that use them.
> If there are say 1 million sites that use mod_perl but only 100 thousand
> that use mod_python, however the number of web sites that use mod_perl
> increases with 1% each year (or even decreases), and the number of sites
> that use mod_python increases with 10% each year, then the future doesn't
> sound very well for mod_perl.
> If this presumption is true or not, it would be helpful for us to know in
> any case.
> Octavian

I do see Joe's point. The question I would ask though is "what harm has this
mail trail done?". It has generated a large amount of interest, even if the
opinion to backed-by-objective-evidence ratio has been a little high at

If someone isn't interested then surely they just won't follow the

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