Perrin Harkins wrote:

It's not a run time option.  The subject is a mod_perl2 script, that
can only be used within the Apache2 server.  I can't conceive why the
DB name would ever change, and multiple programs won't use the module.

Some people have many apache installations on one machine, or may
install new ones after installing your module.

This is the main point I guess I didn't clearly express. Don't assume that just because you have only 1 apache installed that everyone else does too.

Also, if you deviate from what the standard install tools do (which is install things based on how CPAN is configured on that machine) then actually make it harder for people who need to install your module in a non-standard place. This is pretty common for dev environments. I (and most Perl people I would assume) already know how to tell EU::MM or Module::Build how to put things where I want them. If you do it differently it makes our lives harder.

I guess what it comes down to is that putting modules into non-standard places is pretty common, so please don't implement your own way of doing that.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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