On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:
> Was there any particular reason that it wasn't packaged with 2.0.4?
> (meaning, can I just supplant the one from 2.0.3... or was it removed
> only to be re-added after being patched for some particular purpose?)

It was not included because of a miscommunication when releasing 0.10.

You can install 0.10 from CPAN and should be fine.

The conclusions after the post mortem were that the latest stable
versions of Apache::* modules should be included with mod_perl core
releases, but later versions of those modules should be easily
upgradeable from CPAN.

> --
> Devin
> On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 15:11 -0700, Fred Moyer wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Devin Teske <dte...@vicor.com> wrote:
>> > Maybe somebody can refute what I'm seeing, but as of mod_perl-2.0.4,
>> > Apache2::Reload is gone (so you can remove that from your list of
>> > options).
>> It was not bundled with 2.0.4 but is available on CPAN:
>> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Apache-Reload
>> It will be bundled again with 2.0.5.  There was a discussion on the
>> dev list about how to manage perl based Apache2?::* modules with
>> mod_perl core releases and the specific version control procedures to
>> accomplish this in a pain free manner.
>> > --
>> > Devin
>> >
>> > On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 14:26 -0700, Jonathan Swartz wrote:
>> >> I'm thinking about an improved solution to recognizing module changes
>> >> in a running server, without restarting the server.
>> >>
>> >> These are the solutions I know about:
>> >>
>> >> 1) Apache2::Reload / Module::Reload
>> >>
>> >> These check whether modules have changed on each request, and if so,
>> >> clear their symbols and reload them inside the process.
>> >>
>> >> Problem: some modules fail to reload properly. Sometimes the failure
>> >> is intermittent, depending on the order of module loading and other
>> >> esoteric details. Moose and ORM modules seem particularly prone to
>> >> reload failures. For me, this level of unpredictability makes
>> >> *::Reload too frustrating to use.
>> >>
>> >> 2) Catalyst auto-restart
>> >>
>> >> Catalyst has an engine (Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::Prefork::Restarter)
>> >> which forks off a "watcher" process that waits for your modules to
>> >> change. When they change, it restarts the server. The usual effect is
>> >> that, between the time you hit "save" in your editor and reload your
>> >> page, the server has restarted or at least begun restarting.
>> >>
>> >> Problems: Doesn't work well if you make a few changes in a row; the
>> >> restart only captures your first change. Bad user experience if
>> >> there's an error in your module; you have to realize the server has
>> >> died, find the error message in some shell or log, and manually start
>> >> up the server again.
>> >>
>> >> 3) Perrin's MaxRequestsPerChild=1
>> >>
>> >> Perrin recently alerted me to the MaxRequestsPerChild=1 technique.
>> >> That is, set MaxRequestsPerChild to 1, then load any potentially-
>> >> changing modules in the *child*, not the parent (obviously only for
>> >> development environments). Each request will hit a fresh child server,
>> >> which will load all of your potentially-changing modules anew.
>> >>
>> >> This is the nicest solution I've seen so far. The only problem I can
>> >> see is its performance - each potentially-changing module has to be
>> >> loaded on each request. **
>> >>
>> >> 4) My idea: Combine 2 and 3
>> >>
>> >> As in 3, load any potentially-changing modules in the child. Leave
>> >> MaxRequestsPerChild alone. As in 2, fork off a "watcher" process that
>> >> waits for your modules to change. When they change, kill all the
>> >> server's children explicitly.
>> >>
>> >> The end result is that you get reasonable performance when your
>> >> modules don't change (e.g. when you are only futzing with templates),
>> >> but when modules do change, you should see the effects immediately.
>> >>
>> >> This should be able to work with mod_perl, fastcgi, Net::Server, etc.,
>> >> as long as the parent server responds appropriately to the killing of
>> >> all its children (by launching new ones). Apache, at least, seems to
>> >> be ok with this.
>> >>
>> >> What do people think? Is this worth codifying in a module, or does
>> >> something like this already exist?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for any feedback
>> >> Jon
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ** - You can try to load things only on demand, but often mod_perl
>> >> code is written without 'use' statements as it assumes everything is
>> >> loaded in the parent. You can also try to minimize the number of
>> >> potentially-changing modules, but then you run the risk of leaving
>> >> something off and having to adjust it and restart.
>> >>
>> > --
>> > Cheers,
>> > Devin Teske
>> >
>> > Field Engineer
>> > Metavante Corporation
>> > 626-573-6040 Office
>> > 510-735-5650 Mobile
>> > devin.te...@metavante.com
>> >
>> > This message  contains confidential  and proprietary  information
>> > of the sender,  and is intended only for the person(s) to whom it
>> > is addressed. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by any
>> > other person  is strictly prohibited.  If you have  received this
>> > message in error,  please notify  the e-mail sender  immediately,
>> > and delete the original message without making a copy.
>> >
>> >
>> >
> --
> Cheers,
> Devin Teske
> Field Engineer
> Metavante Corporation
> 626-573-6040 Office
> 510-735-5650 Mobile
> devin.te...@metavante.com
> This message  contains confidential  and proprietary  information
> of the sender,  and is intended only for the person(s) to whom it
> is addressed. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by any
> other person  is strictly prohibited.  If you have  received this
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