Joel Richard <> writes:

> I thought I'd weigh in on two items of note....
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Scott Gifford wrote:
>> When I have done this in the past, I have done it with generating
>> configuration files, so of course one misplaced newline or
>> angle-bracket will kill the server.  Maybe generating the
>> configuration directly from a <Perl> section is more robust?  Maybe
>> there are ways to catch configuration errors in that layer and handle
>> them cleanly without preventing Apache from starting?  Any suggestions
>> in this area would be appreciated.
> It seems to me that you are assuming that your script must apply the
> new configuration to the live apache server.
> Why not have your script simply apply a potential new configuration to
> a "test" apache installation (separate from all others), have it
> restart apache there, hit a few critical URLs to test functionality
> and then report to you if there's an error. If it's successful, it can
> then apply that config to the live cluster, keeping fingers crossed,
> of course. (and making sure your monitoring software is going to pull
> the fire alarm if the cluster goes down.)

That's a good idea, though a bit involved to implement.

> If there's an error, you have some time to gracefully solve it and

Yeah, good point, thanks.


>> Thanks!  That looks very close to what I want.  I wonder if there is a
>> way to do a database lookup and substitute that?...
> In my experience, you really want to minimize the hits on your
> database and placing a lookup of any kind for -every- connection to
> apache would be murderous regardless of which database you're using.

Right, absolutely the result would have to be cached.  Then I think it
would be no problem.


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