Scott Gifford <> writes:


> I see some hooks in PerlTransHandler and PerlMapToStorageHandler that
> seem like they can almost do what I want, but I don't see how to set
> other virtual host parameters, like ServerAdmin, UseCanonicalName,
> etc.

I was able to get something I like working in PerlTransHandler.  I
have it configured like this:

    PerlTransHandler My::VirtualHost::TransHandler

Then in My::VirtualHost::TransHandler:

    our %sitepath;
    sub handler {
      my $r = shift;
      my $hn = $r->hostname();
      if (!$hn) {
          return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
      if (!exists($sitepath{$hn})) {
        $sitepath{$hn} = db_lookup($hn);
      if ($sitepath{$hn}) {
        return Apache2::Const::OK;
      } else {
        return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;

Thanks for all the suggestions, they were very helpful!


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