This is one of my options, but it's down at the bottom of my desired outcomes. The CGI::Session modules have been getting a lot of reading lately ;)

Thanks Jay!


Jay Scherrer wrote:
If your users are already verified or not, try using a switch statement based on their inputs directing them to the needed function.
If they already have cookie info use that as your switch/case redirection.

Jay Scherrer

Tosh Cooey wrote:
You may have seen my other recent questions to the list this month, the gist of which is:

I want to setup an application for multiple clients, each of whom have their own users.

So the users of "clientA" log in to and are authenticated with Apache2::AuthCookieDBI

Now the directories clientA, clientB, etc. do not exist, I'm using mod_rewrite to sort that out, and here starts my problems. First I'm lost with authenticating since there's no "real" resource to authenticate against, but I seem to have solved that by forcing authentication against all *.pl files which luckily do exist ;)

It gets more complicated later because some URLs like can't use session cookies but have to use BASIC AUTH, and other *.pl files can't have any authentication applied against them.

I thought I could solve this by writing a but this also isn't working out. For example MyAuthCookieDBI is an almost-empty child. The parent (Apache2::AuthCookieDBI) has a function _dbi_connect() which manages all the database connecting, but I can't overwrite that function, even if MyAuthCookieDBI is the calling object the function from Apache2::AuthCookieDBI always gets called rather than the overridden function in my object.

That's kind of the tip of things, basically I'm realizing that I need professional help with this task before I end up requiring professional help for my nerves!

So if anyone can help with this then please contact me offlist with terms.



McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC -

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