It's prefork
Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/4.4.4-8+etch6 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.6.0 
mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.8
I've isolated the problem, you guys will say I'm crazy but I can reproduce the 
results over and over again.
If I try to connect to a DB in that 2nd virtual host I have the problem. If I 
make no connection then there is no problem. Also if I connect to the same DB 
that the 1st virtual host does, then there is no problem. It's only when I try 
to connect to another DB that the problem comes into play.
That makes no sense to me, but I've been able to reproduce it 8 different times 
without fail.
This problem started when I updated DBI and DBD:mysql to the latest version, 
although I can't see where the conflict is as I have the latest versions 
running on other machines without any issues.
It's really bizarre!!


From: ??? []
Sent: Wed 1/13/2010 7:08 AM
To: cfaust-dougot
Subject: Re: Apache Blank Pages

what is your apache's mpm? worker or prefork?

Our site sometimes also rise similar error(like glibc detected ... in error log 
) under worker mpm.

??? | ChenJianchun

Maxthon® --?????????!         ???????!
??????????(??) <>  | 


cfaust-dougot ??: 

        I have a bizarre problem I'm hoping someone could give me some 
suggestions with.
        I have a couple of MP2 scripts running on a server, they are both 
similar in use of modules and structure. Without any recent changes, one of the 
scripts is producing a blank apache page on SOME requests.
        It's not always the same function, it can happen to any of the function 
calls contained in the script.
        When the blank page happens there is nothing in either the access log 
or the error log of that virtual host (like the request never made it that far).
        In the default error log I will get something like
        [notice] child pid 11497 exit signal Aborted (6)
        Sometimes (but not always), I'll see
        *** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x09c120f8 ***
        There is also no consistency to the blank page, sometimes you hit the 
URL and you get the content, sometimes you get a blank page, sometimes 1 
refresh on the blank page gives you content, other times it can take 3 - 7 
refreshes before the content comes.
        I've been trying to pull apart my script piece by piece in the hopes 
that I could at least narrow it down to some specific section but I'm not 
having a lot of luck.
        Any thoughts on how I could debug this better?

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