On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Alexander Aparzev
<alexander.apar...@aparzev.com> wrote:
> On 27.01.2011 20:19, Fred Moyer wrote:
>> Can you run the failing tests with verbose mode and post the results here?
>>  ./t/TEST -verbose t/modperl/pnotes2.t
> Sure. Did it:
> [warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
> ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl
> /home/justme/sources/mod_perl-2.0.5-rc1/t/TEST -verbose
> 't/modperl/pnotes2.t'
> /usr/sbin/apache2  -d /home/justme/sources/mod_perl-2.0.5-rc1/t -f
> /home/justme/sources/mod_perl-2.0.5-rc1/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D

I just tested this with perl 5.10.0 using ithreads and they all
passed.  Can you paste your output of 'perl -V'

> using Apache/2.2.9 (itk MPM)
> waiting 300 seconds for server to start: .[Thu Jan 27 20:31:58 2011] [info]
> 6 Apache2:: modules loaded
> [Thu Jan 27 20:31:58 2011] [info] 0 APR:: modules loaded
> [Thu Jan 27 20:31:58 2011] [info] base server + 29 vhosts ready to run tests
> ..
> waiting 300 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 1 secs)
> server localhost:8529 started
> server localhost:8530 listening (perlsections)
> server localhost:8531 listening (inherit)
> server localhost:8532 listening (filter_out_apache)
> server localhost:8533 listening (TestModules::proxy)
> server localhost:8534 listening (TestUser::rewrite)
> server localhost:8535 listening (TestModperl::perl_options2)
> server localhost:8536 listening (TestModperl::setupenv)
> server localhost:8537 listening (TestModperl::perl_options)
> server localhost:8538 listening (TestModperl::merge)
> server localhost:8539 listening (TestVhost::config)
> server localhost:8540 listening (TestVhost::log)
> server localhost:8541 listening (TestProtocol::echo_timeout)
> server localhost:8542 listening (TestProtocol::pseudo_http)
> server localhost:8543 listening (TestProtocol::echo_block)
> server localhost:8544 listening (TestProtocol::echo_bbs)
> server localhost:8545 listening (TestProtocol::echo_filter)
> server localhost:8546 listening (TestProtocol::echo_bbs2)
> server localhost:8547 listening (TestProtocol::echo_nonblock)
> server localhost:8548 listening (TestPreConnection::note)
> server localhost:8549 listening (TestHooks::init)
> server localhost:8550 listening (TestHooks::trans)
> server localhost:8551 listening (TestHooks::stacked_handlers2)
> server localhost:8552 listening (TestHooks::startup)
> server localhost:8553 listening (TestHooks::hookrun)
> server localhost:8554 listening (TestFilter::in_str_msg)
> server localhost:8555 listening (TestFilter::both_str_con_add)
> server localhost:8556 listening (TestFilter::in_bbs_inject_header)
> server localhost:8557 listening (TestFilter::in_bbs_msg)
> server localhost:8558 listening (TestDirective::perlmodule)
> server localhost:8559 listening (TestDirective::perlrequire)
> server localhost:8560 listening (TestAPI::add_config)
> server localhost:8561 listening (TestDirective::perlloadmodule5)
> server localhost:8562 listening (TestDirective::perlloadmodule4)
> server localhost:8563 listening (TestDirective::perlloadmodule3)
> server localhost:8564 listening (TestDirective::perlloadmodule6)
> server localhost:8565 listening (TestHooks::push_handlers_anon)
> t/modperl/pnotes2....# connecting to
> http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2
> 1..12
> # Running under perl version 5.010000 for linux
> # Current time local: Thu Jan 27 20:32:00 2011
> # Current time GMT:   Thu Jan 27 19:32:00 2011
> # Using Test.pm version 1.25
> # Using Apache/Test.pm version 1.34
> # Failed test 1 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?1
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 1
> # Failed test 2 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #2
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?2
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 2
> # Failed test 3 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #3
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?3
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 3
> # Failed test 4 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #4
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?4
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 4
> # Failed test 5 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #5
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?5
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 5
> # Failed test 6 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #6
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?6
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 6
> # Failed test 7 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #7
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?7
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 7
> # Failed test 8 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #8
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?8
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 8
> # Failed test 9 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #9
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?9
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 9
> # Failed test 10 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #10
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?10
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 10
> # Failed test 11 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #11
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?11
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 11
> # Failed test 12 in t/modperl/pnotes2.t at line 25 fail #12
> # testing : http://localhost:8529/TestModperl__pnotes2?12
> # expected: 1
> # received: 0
> not ok 12
> FAILED tests 1-12
>        Failed 12/12 tests, 0.00% okay
> Failed Test         Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> t/modperl/pnotes2.t               12   12  1-12
> Failed 1/1 test scripts. 12/12 subtests failed.
> Files=1, Tests=12,  4 wallclock secs ( 0.33 cusr +  0.08 csys =  0.41 CPU)
> Failed 1/1 test programs. 12/12 subtests failed.
> [warning] server localhost:8529 shutdown
> [  error] error running tests (please examine t/logs/error_log)

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