On 07/11/2011 05:41 PM, Jerry Pereira wrote:
please correct me if I am wrong, I should be using tool like
YAML/Config::General for application configuration storage and
reteieval, and load them on startup using startup.pl <http://startup.pl>


That would mean i will have to store the name of configuration
file some where (probabaly in mod_perl configuration block in httpd.conf).

Again, if you think about just using a mod_perl specific way of doing this you'll leave all of your non-mod_perl stuff out in the cold and any project of significant size is going to have some non-mod_perl processes involved somewhere.

I prefer to use environment variables if you need to specify the location of a config file. These are available no matter where you're running (in mod_perl you'll want to use a PerlPassEnv directive so the mod_perl side sees it).

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP

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