Hi Jerry,
I use JSON:XS in my framework, but
before writing a hole framework from the scratch, think about using
 regards keywan

Am 11.07.2011 23:07, schrieb Jerry Pereira:
Hi All,

I am new to mod_perl (a java developer). I would like to know the best
approach to store and retrieve Applicaiton configurations that is accessible
to all packages in my mod_perl application.

My application configuration includes - Database details, Template mapping,
LDAP configuration details etc. I would like my to load all these
configuratoins when my application starts and then on, i should be able to
access these configuration from anywhere.

For Example:
my $dbDetails = ConfigUtil->getDBDetails(); //returns reference to hash
my dbUser = dbDetails->user;

I belive PerlSetVar only allows strings variables. I would like to get some
suggestions on how configuration management in mod_perl applications.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Keywan Ghadami
Telefon +49 (0)75 31 / 81 39 7 95
Fax     +49 (0)75 31 / 81 39 7 89
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D-78467 Konstanz

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