And here is another link which might be interesting.
It is a message on the Tomcat list (where I re-posted your original request, 
hem), from
Rainer Jung, who is one of the Apache/Tomcat mod_jk connector developers :

Yes, go for TC 7:



Now that Tomcat page, apart from its own interest, also points to the Apache "mod_expires" module (which I never heard about before) in your case may be exactly what you're looking for.

It seems to be such that it can add headers in a response proxied to Tomcat, without overwriting such headers if they already exist.

Here is what I would do :

1) identify some "usual suspects" among the URLs proxied to Tomcat
   They would have to match the following criteria :
   - they happen on an overloaded Tomcat
   - they happen often
   - I am reasonably sure that the information delivered by that URL
     is stable over a period of time
   - I am reasonably sure that if it happened that the browser would,
     once in a while, get stale information, it would not be dramatic

2) carefully configure the front-end Apache to, for these particular URLs,
add an Expires header specifying "now + N", where N is initially not too large.
This way, a browser would not get a result that is more than N outdated, but any duplicate request within a period N would get the cached version.

3) look at the impact and loop or not, increasing or decreasing N


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