On 14/07/11 14:38, André Warnier wrote:
Tim Watts wrote:

"I think for this problem, I have to treat tomcat as a little, rather
inefficient, black box .."

They liked that quote then? ;->>>>

<OT Rant>

I'm sure it's a lovely development environment (there must be some reason people use it) - all I know is it's a resource hungry bitch that's never happy unless it has GB's RAM and at least 2, preferably 4 fast cores. And if you p*ss it off, it will eat your swap and burn all your cores at 100%. Bane of my sysadmin life...

Don't get me started on the readability of its log files!!

That's across a wide range of applications including commercial stuff like Confluence.

Bah - give me mod_perl (or even mod_wsgi+python) anyday...

I've got a lot done with HTML::Mason+mod_perl and very efficiently (for such a simple templating system) and I've considering Mojolicious for fun. Learning django too right now too for the cool forms+DB stuff.

Thankfully, our guys are making a switch to django away from tomcat and it is so much nicer to manage.



Tim Watts
Personal Blog: http://www.dionic.net/tim/

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