On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Dan Axtell <daniel.axt...@snet.net> wrote:
> Basically I want to have various virtual hosts be reverse proxied to various
> back end servers (e.g. mod_perl for some legacy apps, a Catalyst app under
> fast CGI).  I tried this with Nginx and it all seemed to work but what I
> discovered is that over time the backend Apache processes were using more and
> more memory, whereas when I go back to a monolithic Apache the memory usage
> stays pretty stable.

That's odd.  I would check how you have Keep-Alive configured and how
long you let the mod_perl processes live (MaxRequestsPerChild) in both
cases.  Nginx should be just fine as a proxy.

> In your slideshow you talk about using Apache with a threaded worker MPM as
> the frontend and a prefork MPM as the backend.  So I'm trying to set that up
> with Apache 2.2.22 but I'm having problems serving basic content (I'm getting
> text but not formatted HTML)

Sounds like a missing content-type header.

> Is there a recommended version of Apache for doing this?

It's mod_proxy configuration.  There are lots of guides on how to do
it, including some on the mod_perl site.  Search for mod_proxy or
reverse proxy.

- Perrin

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