Bouncing means restart the application to bring the current changes and new
data to the cache. We can't use the following logic as there are huge
number of existing data cache and perl modules involved.  So the changes
will be massive.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:51 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 3:32 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:
>>  Shibi Ns wrote:
>>>  I would like terminate current sever Child  process after the end of
>>>> current request because some data is cached and data is changed after
>>>> the
>>>> process creation.  The data cached during InitChild phase
>>>> Is it possible ?
>>>>  It is certainly possible (*), but really, really, really inefficient.
>>>  You are going to force your Apache server to create a new child process
>>> for each HTTP request ? That sounds crazy.
>>> You should review your application logic instead.
>>> (*) The easiest way would be to set MaxRequestsPerChild to 1 in your
>>> server configuration.
>>> But don't think that I would recommend doing that.
>>  Shibi Ns wrote:
> > Not each request , it's based some data change in database and this could
> > happen couple of times in day that's all. We really don't want to go
> ahead
> > bounce the application in order refresh the cache
> >
> I don't now what you mean by "bounce the application", but why do you not
> do something like this :
> At the beginning of your first "handler" :
> unless (defined $CACHED_DATA) {
>  $CACHED_DATA = _load_cached_data();
> }
> ....
> within the request processing :
> if ($condition) {
>   $CACHED_DATA = undef;
> }
> return OK;
> ...
> sub _load_cached_data {
> # load and cache whatever data needs be
> my $cached_data;
>  ...
>  return $cached_data;
> }

--Shibi Ns--

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