Hi Group,

I maintain a business application that uses a LAMP stack of Linux +
Apache2 + Mod_perl + Postgresql. One recurring problem I have is that
each client wants his own set of custom reports using queries from the

This is currently covered via a table in the database which holds the
query associated with the report, but that quickly leads to a
maintenance problem.

I am thinking of creating a sort of web service, where my customers can
send a query to the server, via a VB or .NET procedure launched on the
opening of a document (.doc, .odf, other ) and I'll just serve the
dataset resulting from the query. 

My question is :

Can I make sure that whatever query is sent to the server, it will only
be a SELECT <...> and _never_ a UPDATE or INSERT or DELETE

I can check with a regexp, but I am worried about the possibility to
encode terms of the query into something obscure enough that it'll go
through. For instance, DELETE in hexadecimal looks like this :

Vincent Veyron
Logiciel de gestion des sinistres assurances et des dossiers contentieux pour 
le service juridique

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