Le mercredi 18 avril 2012 à 00:30 +0200, Michael Ludwig a écrit :
> Vincent Veyron schrieb am 18.04.2012 um 00:09 (+0200):

>  Maybe people can come up with more helpful
> suggestions if you post a concrete example of what is cumbersome.

Sure, the app in my sig has a demo a account which you can use for

This is an application for the management of insurance claims and legal
cases. Go into any 'Dossier' (French for folder/case) and hit the
'Tiers' tab (French for 'Third Party') at the top of the screen.

There should be at least one person in there, if not you can add one;
click on 'Afficher les modèles' in that person's info.

You'll find two models : one is a Word document (not to open directly in
IE, must be downloaded first and then opened), the other one an
OpenOffice document (which you can open directly).

You'll see that the models auto-fill (merges actually) with data taken
from the database. The data is written to a generic file when you hit
the link, and that file is fetched via a VB procedure on the document's
opening. The query associated with the model is stored on the server and
never sent to the client who only sees the resulting data set.

This works because no additional input is required to fill the models.
But for statistical reports for instance, various inputs from the user
are often required (what year for instance) and there is no place to put
them in my setup. Maintaining a table and a form to manage all sorts of
parameters associated with various reports just seems impractical.

That is the reason I was looking for a way to put the query inside the
report, so that it could be sent with the proper parameters to the
server. That however has other problems, as seen upthread.

Vincent Veyron
Logiciel de gestion des sinistres assurances et des dossiers contentieux pour 
le service juridique

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