
I have apache 2.2.23 statically compiled with mod_perl2 (prefork). perl binary 
is 5.10.1. In startup.pl<http://startup.pl/> file there is call 

use Apache::DBI;
Apache::DBI->connect_on_init( $DB_DRIVER, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD );

use DBI;

I need to call DBI->connect to load some data during server startup stage. 
There is problem with this setup. Whenever apachectl startup/shutdown, we got 
connection error like this:

DBD::Oracle::db DESTROY failed: ORA-03135: connection lost contact
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 3252 Serial number: 15131 (DBD ERROR: OCISessionEnd) at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Apache/DBI.pm line 228.

I am trying to fix this error. I think it's related to DBI->connect in 
startup.pl<http://startup.pl/>. My question is:

  1.  How do I accomplish loading data into database during server startup 
using Apache::DBI?
  2.  Once data is loaded during server startup, how do I safely destroy this 
database handle but not affect the children instantiate their database handles?

Thanks in advance,


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