A few questions:

  Precisely when do you get this error?  When startup.pl exits or before?

  Can you send a copy of your startup.pl file?

  You get exactly the same error on startup and shutdown?

  If PerlRequire startup.pl is commented out, do you still get errors?

  Do you get errors when a child starts or ends?  Or just the main

  Why does your error message say Process ID=0?  Are other messages
  different?  Does the error show up on the command line or in the log?


On Wed, 29 May 2013, Xinhuan Zheng wrote:


I have apache 2.2.23 statically compiled with mod_perl2 (prefork). perl
binary is 5.10.1. In startup.pl file there is call

use Apache::DBI;
Apache::DBI->connect_on_init( $DB_DRIVER, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD );

use DBI;

I need to call DBI->connect to load some data during server startup stage.
There is problem with this setup. Whenever apachectl startup/shutdown, we
got connection error like this:

DBD::Oracle::db DESTROY failed: ORA-03135: connection lost contact
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 3252 Serial number: 15131 (DBD ERROR: OCISessionEnd) at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/Apache/DBI.pm line 228.

I am trying to fix this error. I think it's related to DBI->connect
in startup.pl. My question is:
 1. How do I accomplish loading data into database during server startup
    using Apache::DBI?  
 2. Once data is loaded during server startup, how do I safely destroy this
    database handle but not affect the children instantiate their database
Thanks in advance,


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