-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Veyron [mailto:vv.li...@wanadoo.fr] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:32 PM

On Tue, 7 Oct 2014 17:42:56 +0000
Mark Hedges <mark.hed...@ticketmaster.com> wrote:
> I have found Apache::Test extremely useful for testing web applications.  
> Don't let anyone tell you to run manual tests, that is a recipe for confusion 
> and error as you try to modify code later.  

How do you use that with a web application that is a work in progress, though?

I write mod_perl modules that output html forms. One has to write a test that 
sends requests and compares the responses with an expected result. But that 
result changes every time I make the slightest change in code, which happens 
quite often and in multiple places. So maintaining the test suite on top of the 
code base seems appealing in theory, but I found it overwhelming in practice.

I can see it happening for a well matured app that changes rarely, but for a 
new one?


One of the main benefits of automated testing is that it helps in the 
development process as you write.  It sounds elitist, but if you haven't 
practiced it, you probably won't buy anyone's explanation that it is a good 

Regarding the other message from Jon about using frameworks, I would caution 
against that.  I wrote my own MVC handler framework Apache2::Controller on 
CPAN, but even that, I am sad to admit, is an abstraction in search of a 
problem.  See 
https://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/coding/coding.html#Method_Handlers for 
how to create subclassable object-oriented handlers.


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