
I don't have anything very precise to tell you, but here is what I know :
The AAA part has been significantly changed in Apache httpd 2.4, as compared to 
Therefore I suspect - but I am not sure - that some corresponding changes had to be made in mod_perl, to adapt to these changes. One of the changes that I see when looking at the Apache 2.4 vs 2.2 on-line documentation (for Apache, not for mod_perl), concerns the syntax - and who handles - the "Require" directives.

I also believe that the on-line mod_perl documentation does not yet reflect these changes, and it seems a bit hard to find an up-to-date documentation yet.

But anyway, I just found this on CPAN :

That - along with the module name - seems to show a way to obtain the "Require" that you need. Why don't you give it a try ?

Another way that I can think of, would be to use the Apache2::Directive module (http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/Directive.html), to obtain the Require via the server's configuration tree.
That should be independent of the specific Apache version being used.

On 20.12.2015 03:35, Sergei Gerasenko wrote:

I’m using mod_perl-2.0.8-10 and I’ve been googling for days for this info w/o 
any luck.

I need to access the value for the Require directive in the apache configs. I need 
to access that info in my authorization handler (PerlAuthzHandler). It used to be 
that $r->requires provided that information, but it’s gone now according to the 
changelog. It has been replaced with register_auth_provider and according to this:

perl -MModPerl::MethodLookup -e print_method register_auth_provider
To use method 'register_auth_provider' add:
         use Apache2::RequestUtil ();

… it should be in Apache2::RequestUtil. But I can’t find anything about that 
method in the description of Apache2::RequestUtil. Further, I get “undefined 
method” when I try to even mention it in my handler.

I must be missing something really simple? Can somebody point me to a full 
example of using that method?



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