I've installed and configured the AuthCookie module. I can now say with
certainty that authz_handler is called multiple times for each "require".
So, if you say:

require user u1
require user u2

The handler will be called twice.

On the other hand, if you have 'require user u1 u2', then the 'requires'
argument is not an array but the string "u1 u2", which needs to be split.

I don't know, maybe it's my mod_perl version 2.0.8). Just reporting back
what I found.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 5:19 PM, André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>

> The way in which I understand the pod and the code, is that you don't have
> to do anything to get the requires as a list/array : they just come that
> way.
> The first element of the array seems to be the "keyword" (like "user" in
> "Require user xxx yyy" etc.), and the following list elements are then
> "xxx", "yyy", etc).
> On 22.12.2015 19:55, Sergei Gerasenko wrote:
>> The only thing I don't get how to do is to make apache collect all of the
>> requires into an
>> array and pass it to the authz handler. The way it works right now is
>> that the authz
>> handler is ran for every require.
>> You will notice that Apache2_4/AuthCookie.pm expects the 3rd param to be
>> an array, which
>> is puzzling. Maybe the module does some magic on aggregating the requires
>> into an array.
>> Haven't looked at that yet.
>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 11:06 AM, A. Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com <mailto:
>> a...@ice-sa.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi Sergei.
>>     My turn to thank you for providing the information below (and also to
>> Michael Schout
>>     of course). That will also be invaluable to me, when I get around to
>> update my own
>>     mod_perl AAA modules.
>>     On 22.12.2015 17:57, Sergei Gerasenko wrote:
>>         Yep, I can see what I should do now. For the benefit of others
>> here are the
>>         differences:
>>         OLD STYLE
>>         =========
>>         <Location blah>
>>               PerlAuthzHandler YOUR_MODULE->YOUR_METHOD
>>               require user fred
>>               require group fred
>>         </Location>```
>>         Then in your YOUR_METHOD you would do something like:
>>         my $requires = $r->requires
>>         process your requires ..
>>         ​NEW STYLE:
>>         ​==========​
>>         PerlAddAuthzProvider user YOUR_MODULE->YOUR_USER_AUTHZ_METHOD
>>         PerlAddAuthzProvider group YOUR_MODULE->YOUR_GROUP_AUTHZ_METHOD
>>         <Location blah>
>>              require user fred
>>              required group fred
>>         </Location>```
>>         And in your YOUR_MODULE:
>>         sub YOUR_USER_AUTHZ_METHOD {
>>              my ($self, $r, @requires) = @_;
>>         }
>>         sub YOUR_GROUP_AUTHZ_METHOD {
>>              my ($self, $r, @requires) = @_;
>>         }
>>         Thanks, André for helping me finally solve this problem. From
>> your link on
>>         Apache-AuthCookie, I also found this:
>>         ​ ​
>> http://search.cpan.org/~mschout/Apache-AuthCookie-3.23/README.apache-2.4.pod
>> and
>>         in there
>>         I read under APACHE 2.4 PORTING NOTES.
>>         ​Thanks again,​
>>         ​   ​
>>         Sergei
>>         On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:19 AM, André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com
>>         <mailto:a...@ice-sa.com> <mailto:a...@ice-sa.com <mailto:
>> a...@ice-sa.com>>> wrote:
>>              Hi.
>>              I don't have anything very precise to tell you, but here is
>> what I know :
>>              The AAA part has been significantly changed in Apache httpd
>> 2.4, as compared
>>         to 2.2.
>>              Therefore I suspect - but I am not sure - that some
>> corresponding changes had
>>         to be
>>              made in mod_perl, to adapt to these changes.
>>              One of the changes that I see when looking at the Apache 2.4
>> vs 2.2 on-line
>>              documentation (for Apache, not for mod_perl), concerns the
>> syntax - and who
>>         handles -
>>              the "Require" directives.
>>              I also believe that the on-line mod_perl documentation does
>> not yet reflect these
>>              changes, and it seems a bit hard to find an up-to-date
>> documentation yet.
>>              But anyway, I just found this on CPAN :
>> https://metacpan.org/source/MSCHOUT/Apache-AuthCookie-3.23/lib/Apache2_4/AuthCookie.pm
>>              That - along with the module name - seems to show a way to
>> obtain the
>>         "Require" that
>>              you need.  Why don't you give it a try ?
>>              Another way that I can think of, would be to use the
>> Apache2::Directive module
>>              (http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/api/Apache2/Directive.html),
>> to obtain the
>>         Require
>>              via the server's configuration tree.
>>              That should be independent of the specific Apache version
>> being used.
>>              On 20.12.2015 03 <tel:20.12.2015%2003>
>> <tel:20.12.2015%2003>:35, Sergei
>>         Gerasenko wrote:
>>                  Hello,
>>                  I’m using mod_perl-2.0.8-10 and I’ve been googling for
>> days for this info
>>         w/o any
>>                  luck.
>>                  I need to access the value for the Require directive in
>> the apache
>>         configs. I need
>>                  to access that info in my authorization handler
>> (PerlAuthzHandler). It
>>         used to be
>>                  that $r->requires provided that information, but it’s
>> gone now according
>>         to the
>>                  changelog. It has been replaced with
>> register_auth_provider and according
>>         to this:
>>                  perl -MModPerl::MethodLookup -e print_method
>> register_auth_provider
>>                  To use method 'register_auth_provider' add:
>>                            use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
>>                  … it should be in Apache2::RequestUtil. But I can’t find
>> anything about that
>>                  method in the description of Apache2::RequestUtil.
>> Further, I get “undefined
>>                  method” when I try to even mention it in my handler.
>>                  I must be missing something really simple? Can somebody
>> point me to a
>>         full example
>>                  of using that method?
>>                  Thanks!
>>                  Sergei

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