I've been trying to migrate a site with a lot of Perl legacy code running under 
Apache 2.2 and mod_perl.  The server I was migrating to uses CentOS 7, and the 
default Apache 2.4 and perl 5.16 seem unusually difficult to configure.  I'm 
not even able to get CGI scripts to run.   In the past I've built Perl, Apache 
and mod_perl from source, but that seems like a lot of unnecessary work.  
Ideally I'd like to use the stock Apache and Perl from the distribution, and 
just install CPAN modules, data and config files and go.  I'm curious if people 
here find a particular Linux distribution Perl and mod_perl friendly, as the 
RedHat and CentOS distributions seem pretty hostile.  CentOS 7 has a 
third-party module of mod_perl 2.0.8 but if I can't get CGI working correctly I 
don't really trust it.

Should I just assume building everything in the LAMP stack from source is the 
way to go?


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