* JW <gav...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2017 03:53:27 +0000
> From: JW <gav...@yahoo.com>
> To: "modperl@perl.apache.org" <modperl@perl.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Question about Apache 2.4 and libapreq2 (Apache2::Request)
> Hi,
> Back in January I was planning on moving to Apache 2.4+mod_perl+libapreq2 
> from Apache 2.2+mod_perl+libapreq2. I'd asked if anyone had problems doing a 
> similar
> move -- the answer was no. Thank you again to everyone who replied my earlier 
> post.  
> It's been over a month since moving to Apache 2.4. It was fairly 
> straightforward and requiredlittle code to be updated, most of it Apache 
> config. Everything runs as it did before the update and I've 
> had no problems. The one function that didn't 'work' is described below. 
> This mod_perl server is behind a proxy on the same machine. Under Apache 2.2, 
> $r->remote_ip() 
> returned and not the user's actual IP.  So, a 
> PerlPostReadRequestHandler extracted the user's 
> IP address from the X-Forwarded-For header and set it with $r->remote_ip( $ip 
> ).
> In Apache 2.4 (and mod_perl now) $c->remote_ip is split into $r->useragent_ip 
> and $c->client_ip:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/developer/new_api_2_4.html 
> But, $r->useragent_ip (wrongly) gives me Perhaps this'll be fixed 
> at some point (unlessI'm doing something wrong). So, for now, as above, the 
> IP is extracted from X-Forwarded-For 
> and set with $r->useragent_ip( $ip ). 
You seem to be using an old version of mod_perl, for I remember I had to use 
"$r->useragent_addr->ip_get();" to get at the user's real address with the 
latest version of mod_perl.



> I was asked by one of the earlier responders to share my experience with the 
> move to Apache 2.4,in case there were others in the same boat. So, if there 
> are, jump right in and good luck!
> Cheers,
> John

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