Katrina Dixon wrote:

> >Living in Portland, I'm deprived of an actual "Mod Scene" so I've >never
> >been in a room with more than three other mod folks at once.
> Tell me about it. Edinburgh isn't exactly hoachin' with them either. Then
> again, maybe it's like the people that you never see around town apart from
> at certain gigs. Lurkers... Travel's a grand thing tho' for meeting up with
> like-minded souls and having larks tho', isn't Portland where Elliot Smith
> lives? I've heard it's quite a cool town...

"Lived" is the proper tense of the verb. He moved to NYC cos Portland
just isn't cool enough, I guess. Portland is sort of hip in general...
people here are hip, but there isn't a mod scene. Lots of
anarcho-crust-punks, skinheads, and hippies, but a very very small mod
contingent. You could probably count them on both of your hands.


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