Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
> Yes. But as long as people don't get really impertinent it's acceptable, at
> least to me. I know how frustrating it is when other people have a piece of
> software running but it will not run on my local environment for some strange
> reasons I cannot figure out myself. Then I'm happy when someone can help me.
> That's why I personally had no big problem this time (at least after ignoring
> the $$ part of the message, of course).

 Sorry if I got snarky, but between the customer phoning me on my
private cell every hour, the sales staff emailing me demanding
updates every half-hour, and various other people dogging my heals
reminding me at every turn how much every minute of delay was
costing and/or hurting the company, I was getting rather short-
tempered with the whole issue.

James H.G. Redekop | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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