Hi! I just bought a Brazilian RH Linux distribution with Apache 1.3.3
and mod_ssl 2.0.something. When I follow the instructions to create my
own CA and sign the server certificate I just created, I get this in the
verification phase:

CA verifying: server.crt <-> CA cert
error 7 at 0 depth lookup:certificate signature failure

All of the ssleay commands are being run in a private directory (/root).

I got the latest 2.0 distribution in order to get the ca.sign script.
What am I doing wrong?

 ___THE___  One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX!
 \  \ /  /   _______________________________________________
  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro                    |
   \   /    |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          |
   /   \    |Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado|
  /  ^  \   |Diretor de Informática e Eventos Sobrenaturais |
 /  / \  \  |da E-RACE CORPORATION                          |
 ~~~   ~~~   -----------------------------------------------
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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