Again on the same subject. Sorry for the trafic but this time I was able
to build the DER format with information from the FAQ. Only it didn't
work. I added the appropriate type in mime.types, copied my ca.cacert to
every directory of the secure server's page tree (including the
directory under cgi-bin in which the programmatic part of the site
resides) and Netscape still asks the user to acknowledge the "new

Should I be using the SSLCACertificateFile option?

Alfredo Raul Pena wrote:
> Steffen Dettmer wrote:
> > > certificate expires, IE 3 disallows access altogether. Anyway I can hack
> > > the Registry or something like that so IE3/4/5 users can go to my site?
> > > Like, adding my phony CA to IE's list of CAs?
> > >
> > > By the way, is there such hack to Netscape too?
> >
> > take a .htaccess and include the following line:
> > AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .cacert
> >
> > Then convert your ca-cert into "der" Format (via "ssleay -in
> > <cacert.pem-or-whatever> -out <My-Own-CA.cacert> -outform der")
> > (or was is "-infile" ? - no ssleay here ;) )
> >
> > Then upload this file to the dir with .htaccess and it should work at
> > least with Netscape 3/4 (and I think IE 4 too)
> You can also take the "der format" certificate file and rename it
> "something.crt". You can then place it in a floppy, doubleclick on it in
> Windows 95/98/NT and voila!!


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