Ralf, Tom, and others, I've gotten another clue to my non-working web server.  As you 
may recall, everything seems to have compiled correctly, but hitting my website:


simply causes Netscape to "spin" endlessly.  s_client displays a similar problem, 
showing the start of my Snake Oil certificate, then nothing else.

I tried starting over completely recompiling everything to see if I missed anything, 
but to no avail.  

Then I started over and compiled everything, EXCEPT this time I did not compile or 
include rsaref-2.0 into SSLeay (i.e. 
   perl ./Configure alpha-gcc -DNO_IDEA 
instead of my usual
   perl ./Configure alpha-gcc -DRSAref -lRSAglue \
   -L`pwd`/../rsaref-2.0/local/ -lrsaref

then continued on with the process as normal.  

THIS time, when I hit https://mymachine.foo.com:8443/, Netscape comes back with the 
message "The Certificate is not approved for the attempted application" (due to the 
fake Snake Oil Certificate?)  

Running s_client this time comes back with the full certificate.  (previously, 
s_client got to the point where it said:
  verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
  verify return:1
then quit.  This time, it printed out dozens of lines of information).  I then tried 
GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n in s_client, which worked properly.

Does this offer anyone any further ideas about what's wrong?  rsaref-2.0 compiles 
cleanly on my Digital Alpha (Digital UNIX 4.0d), but including it in SSLeay seems to 
be causing the problems.  Any further ideas/solutions would be appreciated!

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