Lutz Jaenicke wrote:
> Michael, I won´t comment on the pest aspect.
> Please make sure that you really understand what you are doing and that
> you did check all resources to find the problem yourself.
> I am definitely missing the logfile entries for the apache startup and
> for your connection attempts. Maybe they already include the hint you are
> looking for.
> For another approach is to take the openssl tool for generating
> the certs, it will hide some part of the process for you.
> Please consider reading
> as description of this way (which is just hiding the full process by
> wrapping it with a, hmm, comfortable script).
> Regards,
>         Lutz

Well i did do a ton of reading, and yes even tried the script.
What it turned out to be, just for anyone else that is curious, is that
the Location (city) needed to be different between the CA and the server
cert itself. Once i made that one and only change, it all works well.

Thank you all for your advice, time, and help.

Michael B. Weiner
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)

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