On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 12:34:43PM -0700, Brian J. Rohan wrote:
> I too am trying to create a self signed certificate for my server.  I
> have already made and installed everything necessary (using Apache
> 1.3.12, open_ssl-0.9.4, and mod_ssl 2.6) (except openssl, which I did
> not install, only made) to get my server running, then I created a
> certificate by going into the apache dir, and typed make certificate.
> When I made the certificate,  it was automatically signed by Snake Oil,
> LTD.  After following another thread on here I went to the dir created
> when I untarred the openssl file, and went to /apps, and tried to edit
> the openssl.cnf fiel to change the signor to reflect myself, but could
> not find where to do this.    Where do I need to make the changes as to
> be able to generate a self signed cert?  I see some a variable reference
> labeled, issuer, but do not see where that variable is initialized.  Is
> this the variable I need to change, if so where do i change it to
> reflect my own name?
You should use "make certificate TYPE=custom" (custom cert signed by own CA).


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall
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