** Reply to note from "Danilo Nascimento" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wed, 14 Jun 2000 
17:27:34 EST
> Hi Marcus. There is no way to applay mod_ssl without downtime because
> mod_ssl have to apply "patches" to Apache Server Core Code.
> Therefore, you will have to stop your server. But to minimize the
> downtime, you can build the new server into another directory tree
> and after testing it you can install it. I can help you in this
> process, if you want. 

What I would probably do...

Build your new apache in a new directory.

Test it with a copy of your existing DocumentRoot directory trees using
ports other than 80 and 443.  You don't have to duplicate the web
content, just make the the new httpd configuration files point to it.

When everything works kill the new server, and change the config
files back to the normal ports.

Shutdown the old server.  (Web sites goes down)

Start the new server.  (Web sites back up about a minute later)

clean up the old config files & binaries.

optionally, copy your config files & binaries to the normal locations,
kill the server in the wierd place and start the one in the normal

All done...  just a few minutes of down time.

Even better, do your build and test on another machine, and when you
get it working copy it to the web server.

Hint:  Chances are if you take your new mod_ssl enabled web server, and
point it at the old config files it will work just fine.  Since there
is no SSL configured in the old files it will not be there, but the non
SSL setup will work.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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